
Shadows dance at crossroads, and we feel their presence behind the walls, we hear laughter on the street corner. Slowly they invade the streets with the rhythm of their drums and the intoxicating melodies of the horns and transport us to the other side.

Deblozay (‘chaos’ in Haitian Creole) is a journey through the memory of the city and its inhabitants. The Gédés, mysterious ghosts, open the doors to our memories. The dead return and remind us of our buried pasts…

A hybrid theatrical project, Deblozay invites us to rediscover forgotten places and sheds light on what remains invisible, in a dreamlike break from everyday life.

Rara Woulib takes us on an epic journey to an unknown destination in the deep of the night, “letting us embrace both worlds”.

“Deblozay isn’t really a show you watch, per se. Instead, it’s something you’re part of. You experience it from within, as part of a crowd, processing through the streets. It’s composed out of pace and rhythm, out of space and proximity. Of people and power. Of people power.”
Matt Trueman (The Guardian) – June 2014

What's on

02/02/2023 – Vallée de l’Hérault (34)
03/02/2023 – Paulhan (34)
04/02/2023 – Lodève (34)


Conception projet / mise en scène : Julien Marchaisseau
Direction d’acteur : Wilda Philippe
Costumes : Cécile Schlecht
Arrangements des chants / direction de chorale : Alexandra Satger
Conception paysage sonore / musique électroacoustique : Jérémy Perrouin
Régie générale : Thomas Hua
Éclairages : Chloélie Cholot-Louis / Thomas Hua

Comédiens-Musiciens : Frédéric Blancot, Anne-Sophie Boivin, César Bouteau, Olivier Boyer, Mireille Brun, Jérémie Charras, France Davin, Pierrick De Salvert, Cyril Fayard, Donata Lelleri, Xavier Marguin, Pierre Mougne, Vincent Salagnac, Alexandra Satger, Florent Thiollier, Julien Tribout.

Equipe technique exploitation : Jérémy Perrouin, Chloélie Cholot-Louis, Thomas Hua

Press / Pro
Administration / Soraya Boudraa :


Key dates

18/09/2020 – Festival Cergy soit ! (95)
21/04/2019 – Grand Ménage de Printemps (84)
12/05/2019 – Festival Les Sons du Lubs (84)
15/12/2018 – Scène Nationale Le Liberté (83)
08/08/2014 – Festival La Plage des Six Pompes (CH)
01/08/2013 – Festival La Strada – Graz (AUT)
19/07/2012 – Festival Châlon dans la rue (71)


Shadows dance at crossroads, and we feel their presence behind the walls, we hear laughter on the street corner. Slowly they invade the streets with the rhythm of their drums and the intoxicating melodies of the horns and transport us to the other side.

Deblozay (‘chaos’ in Haitian Creole) is a journey through the memory of the city and its inhabitants. The Gédés, mysterious ghosts, open the doors to our memories. The dead return and remind us of our buried pasts…

A hybrid theatrical project, Deblozay invites us to rediscover forgotten places and sheds light on what remains invisible, in a dreamlike break from everyday life.

Rara Woulib takes us on an epic journey to an unknown destination in the deep of the night, “letting us embrace both worlds”.

“Deblozay isn’t really a show you watch, per se. Instead, it’s something you’re part of. You experience it from within, as part of a crowd, processing through the streets. It’s composed out of pace and rhythm, out of space and proximity. Of people and power. Of people power.”
Matt Trueman (The Guardian) – June 2014

What's on

02/02/2023 – Vallée de l’Hérault (34)
03/02/2023 – Paulhan (34)
04/02/2023 – Lodève (34)


Conception projet / mise en scène : Julien Marchaisseau
Direction d’acteur : Wilda Philippe
Costumes : Cécile Schlecht
Arrangements des chants / direction de chorale : Alexandra Satger
Conception paysage sonore / musique électroacoustique : Jérémy Perrouin
Régie générale : Thomas Hua
Éclairages : Chloélie Cholot-Louis / Thomas Hua

Comédiens-Musiciens : Frédéric Blancot, Anne-Sophie Boivin, César Bouteau, Olivier Boyer, Mireille Brun, Jérémie Charras, France Davin, Pierrick De Salvert, Cyril Fayard, Donata Lelleri, Xavier Marguin, Pierre Mougne, Vincent Salagnac, Alexandra Satger, Florent Thiollier, Julien Tribout.

Equipe technique exploitation : Jérémy Perrouin, Chloélie Cholot-Louis, Thomas Hua

Press / Pro



Key dates

18/09/2020 – Festival Cergy soit ! (95)
21/04/2019 – Grand Ménage de Printemps (84)
12/05/2019 – Festival Les Sons du Lubs (84)
15/12/2018 – Scène Nationale Le Liberté (83)
08/08/2014 – Festival La Plage des Six Pompes (CH)
01/08/2013 – Festival La Strada – Graz (AUT)
19/07/2012 – Festival Châlon dans la rue (71)